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Thursday, April 14, 2011

Covert Living

Covert Living

Covert –a covering that serves to conceal or shelter something

           I have this favorite tee shirt. The shirt is black and on the front of it is a giant guitar pick, and in the middle of the pick in bold letters it says "PICK JESUS"
The shirt has special meaning to me because, I love Jesus, I play the guitar and lead worship at our church in Northern Colo. I know… so very cleaver.

Our family took a trip last summer and we flew from Denver, CO to Portland, OR. If you don’t know our family, you wouldn’t know that we can be quite a “sight” rolling through the airport. My wife and I have 5 kids’ ages 4, 6,10,11,15. On this trip we checked several bags and still managed to run 17 bags through the TSA scanners as carry-on. You get the idea. We tend to draw attention from onlookers at the airport. I was wearing the above mentioned tee shirt during this visit to DIA. The shirt was gaining more attention then I figured, and several people made quick comments or gave thumbs up indicating they liked the message of the shirt. We made our way past the ticket line, through security, and rode the train to our designated concourse. Eventually we arrived at what seemed to be the furthest gate from the terminal. Along the way, my patience meter continued to climb with every whine of “how much further” and “I can’t carry my bag”. But wait, there’s more. Our flight had been delayed by 1 ½ hours. So, the kids are crabby and hungry, and my wife and I are veering on the edge of sanity. Then I hear the first fight between our 6 10 and 11 yr old sons, the 4 yr old took off skipping and dancing down the terminal and through the crowds, and our 15 yr old, with headphones in the ears, has officially tuned us out. DING!!! That is the sound announcing that I AM DONE. As I began to tear off after our 4 yr old daughter, my plan is: Grab the run away, break up the fight, and get the attention of this family. They “WILL” behave like civilized humans. In other words make a big public scene. I also noticed several others in the area had begun to notice the commotion.

Then it hits me, I am wearing this stupid shirt. I’m a walking billboard advertising” look at me, I’m a shining example of the love and patience of Christ”. I’m thinking…. “you kids are so lucky. If I hadn’t branded myself Super Christian, you’d be getting a piece of my mind.” Instead, calmly my wife and I rounded up the kids, diffused the argument, bought everyone a snack, and got on the plane to Oregon.

The fact is, people are often watching. It’s not like as Christians we don’t have the right to get stressed out and snap at our kids or spouse. If I had gone through with my tirade, I would have embarrassed myself and my family. God would still love me. My salvation is still secure. The thing is…if you claim to be a representative of the King of Kings you ARE judged by the world. Anyone associated with Jesus Christ has a target on their back. Is it fair? Maybe not. The scripture does say (Matthew 5:11) “Blessed are you when men persecute for my name sake”. Kind of like the super star athlete that says” I don’t mind the millions of dollars, and the fame, but could people leave me alone and respect my privacy”. It goes with the territory.

It seems like everyone else is not held to any type of standard. All of those judging seem to be afforded a bad day or a stressful moment.

I have a couple of choices:

     I could leave my “PICK JESUS” shirt in the closet, and say to hell with those who throw stones, they don’t know I’m a Christian and I am covered by the grace of Jesus Christ.


     I could step out as an ambassador of Christ. 2 Cor 5:20. Understand that we are called to live for HIM, Rain or shine, whether people are watching or not. I march through life with an audience of ONE watching. Every moment, every day, I am called to give my best to represent the Love of God, always.

Side Note:

     I have been around a few people in my life who conduct themselves in such a way that no one around them can deny that something is different. They don’t need to wear a flashing JESUS sign. The love of Christ shines through them.


                Authenticfamily (1) 4/12/11

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